

perhaps this blog will be about the contents of shopping carts at sam's.

six boxes of eggo waffles, each box containing sixty waffles.


blogging blog blogs

maybe i'll blog about blogging.


zen and the art of grocery shopping

blogs are strange.

i tried to search for a few that i might be interested in reading, but couldn't find any. there are thousands of people with thousands of blogs, and not one caught my eye. then i imagined a stranger coming across this blog, and i can't for the life of me think of a reason they'd want to keep reading about what i'm about to type on grocery shopping. i feel like unless you know me, this will be very uninteresting. and not funny at all. but come on, i'm funny! right? okay.

ANYWAY. i love grocery shopping. i'm embarrassed to say how many times i find myself at kroger during the week, but i love it. i've gotten into the habit of making small trips, that way i can go more often. i can't explain why i enjoy it so much, but i know it became apparent the second i moved out of my parent's house over six years ago and i began shopping on my own. i think it's the freedom of buying whatever i wanted to eat whenever i wanted; oh, the possibilities! oh, wow i'm so lame!

shopping with other people's money is also exciting, for instance, i went to sam's club yesterday, ERC money in pocket. it amazes me that normal people shop there. rather, people shop normally there. i saw a man buying only a gallon of milk and a gallon of ice cream. granted it was a BUCKET of ice cream, but still, you can buy those at a regular grocery store that doesn't charge a yearly fee. am i missing something? playing the "guess what they're buying for" game is entertaining as well. as much as i hate when people stare at my cart overflowing with gallons of milk ("someone's thirsty!!" "got milk??" "does a body good!!" HAR.), i love staring at the contents of people's carts. the only time i was stumped was when i saw this lady filling her cart with five gallon cans of chocolate pudding. nursery? retirement home? octuplets? pudding wrestling contest at local gentleman's club? i should have asked.


the back of my jeep fits twenty-six gallons of milk perfectly. 

a shopping cart at Sam's holds twenty-four gallons perfectly.

at some point i've had any or all of the following in my trunk:
thirty five gallons of milk, 
a tub of sour cream,
four bunches of bananas,
boxes of trash bags,
two five gallon cans of applesauce,
a bundle of seventy-six black ink bic pens.

just so you know.


a great start < / sarcasm >

hello blog, it's now 2009.

i've decided to continue this journey with my blog friend here, though as of yet, we are unsure of where we're headed. what started off as a tour blog is now just a whythehellamidoingthis blog, but maybe i should think of it as a whythehellNOT blog instead. i'm constantly thinking about writing, and i never do. i don't want to count the number of blank journals i own, just sitting there waiting for the scribble of my pen, because then i'll get overwhelmed at the number of pages i have yet to fill. trust me, there are enough words in my head at any given moment to fill a hundred thousand books, except for when i pick up a pen. when i do, i've suddenly forgotten all words in the english language. all words disappear. or maybe there are so many of them, it's like a traffic jam on the highway from brain city to pen-in-handsville, and everyone's honking, but no one is moving an inch.


i will not be capitalizing my letters, though i will be using proper grammar. mostly.