i tried to search for a few that i might be interested in reading, but couldn't find any. there are thousands of people with thousands of blogs, and not one caught my eye. then i imagined a stranger coming across this blog, and i can't for the life of me think of a reason they'd want to keep reading about what i'm about to type on grocery shopping. i feel like unless you know me, this will be very uninteresting. and not funny at all. but come on, i'm funny! right? okay.
ANYWAY. i love grocery shopping. i'm embarrassed to say how many times i find myself at kroger during the week, but i love it. i've gotten into the habit of making small trips, that way i can go more often. i can't explain why i enjoy it so much, but i know it became apparent the second i moved out of my parent's house over six years ago and i began shopping on my own. i think it's the freedom of buying whatever i wanted to eat whenever i wanted; oh, the possibilities! oh, wow i'm so lame!
shopping with other people's money is also exciting, for instance, i went to sam's club yesterday, ERC money in pocket. it amazes me that normal people shop there. rather, people shop normally there. i saw a man buying only a gallon of milk and a gallon of ice cream. granted it was a BUCKET of ice cream, but still, you can buy those at a regular grocery store that doesn't charge a yearly fee. am i missing something? playing the "guess what they're buying for" game is entertaining as well. as much as i hate when people stare at my cart overflowing with gallons of milk ("someone's thirsty!!" "got milk??" "does a body good!!" HAR.), i love staring at the contents of people's carts. the only time i was stumped was when i saw this lady filling her cart with five gallon cans of chocolate pudding. nursery? retirement home? octuplets? pudding wrestling contest at local gentleman's club? i should have asked.
Wait, you mean that day I was buying five gallon jugs of pudding?
That was for our wrestling match. I can't believe you dont remember that.
OH GOD! I FOUND OUT! she was buying all that pudding for this:
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